Align with the Divine and
Let Your Light Shine
Linda DeVito
Transformational Consultant and
Certified Vibrational Astrologer
birth time. For example: from your birth certificate.
Solar Eclipse and
New Moon in Libra
Tues.,Oct. 2, 2024
2:49 PM EDT
Tomorrow, on Oct 2, 2024, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra at 2:49 PM Eastern and 11:49 AM Pacific time. As solar eclipses are major catalysts in life, this is a powerful time that can trigger sudden changes and lead to significant course corrections personally and globally.
In these chaotic times, Libra brings us the much-needed energy to balance our mental and emotional bodies. Take time to bring your mind and heart into coherence. The Sun - Moon conjunct Mercury will allow us to easily connect with family and friends through communication and clear emotional issues.
Be open to uplifting and visionary activities and projects, as Pluto – Neptune – Uranus form a smooth flowing energy towards transpersonal and spiritual success. Pluto is in the final degree of Capricorn and this is signaling the last gasp of patriarchal energy. This is why we are seeing so much effort from those in control trying hard to remain in control. They are feeling it slip away.
Focus instead on your own personal power and how you share and relate to others. This New Moon asks us to focus on building relationships and friendships based on equality, respect, and appreciation. Build a better life; be the change you wish to see.
Full Moon in Pisces and Lunar Eclipse
Tues., Sept 17, 2024
10:34 pm EDT
Tonight at 10:34 pm EDT the Full Moon will also be a Lunar Eclipse. The Moon at 25 Pisces 41 in conjunction with Saturn and Neptune, is in opposition to the Sun at 25 Virgo 41 conjunct Mercury. This is a time of heightened sensitivity and an awareness of the deep emotional patterns that are now being reflected in your life. It’s time to come to grips with what is really important to you and examine what’s been working or not in terms of achieving your goals. Are your internal motivations in alignment with your creating the life of your dreams, or are you frittering away your life in the reactive mode to the “daily grind.”
Now is a good time to examine and reflect on how you got where you are. And if its not where you want to be, then set your intention to break free of old patterns and begin a new direction.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is “ A New Moon reveals that its time for people to go ahead with their different projects.” It’s time for a new beginning; to put your energy into something new in your life. Let go of the old and, regardless of others, focus on a new future for yourself. Time to forge your own path.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “ A boy with the censor serves near the priest at the altar.” Take care of your daily duties with mindfulness and reverence; not for the glory but for the experience. Don’t begrudge your task at hand or compare your situation to that of others for even the smallest contribution is an important part of the whole and we must all play our part in some form. Each present moment is a preparation for the future. So ask yourself, “What am I preparing myself to become?”
There’s a lovely kite configuration involving the Sun, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune that supports a very independent drive to pursue your dreams regardless of what others think and the ability to create and dedicate yourself to that which inspires you. Take advantage of the opportunity that the energy pattern is offering.
Be sure to take some time for reflection to get in touch with your innermost desires, evaluate what negative emotional patterns or limiting beliefs are holding you back and take the necessary steps to change anything undesirable. Each new daily habit becomes a new personal pattern of behavior which in turn becomes your new reality. Does your day reflect the best possible version of yourself?
New Moon in Virgo
Sept 2, 2024
Manifest with the power of the New Moon ! Today’s New Moon in Virgo at 9:56PM EDT is the perfect opportunity to set your intentions and imbue your goals with the energy of the New Moon. This is a time for “getting your house in order”. Whether you need to organize your household, your business, your finances, or to “make right” any relationship, this is the time to set those intentions to clear out, clean up, and “purify” anything that is not working for your highest good.
This is an excellent time to set intentions for a daily energetic clearing of your mental, emotional and physical bodies. Whether it’s a cleansing diet or meditating to clear your mind of chaotic thoughts, now is an important time to cleanse your energy field of all lower vibrational patterns and energies to prepare your system for the influx of higher vibrational energies coming from the cosmos.
The Sun-Moon conjunction in opposition to Saturn tells us that now is the time to “get real”. No more excuses, no more half-ass attempts, no more ignoring problematic issues. It’s time to get to the essence of what is important and set about making improvements in your life. So what’s not working for you? What essential area of your life have you been ignoring that needs the critical eye of Virgo to make things right, or at least better?
Is it just a clearer vison for the future? Neptune-Uranus-Pluto in soft aspect to each other may help with this. Meditate on what your ideal life would be like; this aspect pattern will allow you gain sudden insights into what you truly desire.
The Sabian Symbol for this Virgo New Moon is “A Bride with Her Veil Snatched Away”. This is an image of revelation, of “unveiling” and discovery. Since this relates to making a commitment to someone or something, this speaks to going from one state of being to another, from old to new. This symbol also speaks to revealing your true self and no longer being able to hide “behind a veil.” This is about dropping all barriers, even the veil between the conscious and the unconscious.
Christmas Eve Saturn-Uranus Square
This year will be going out with a bang as a very powerful astrological configuration occurs on Dec. 24, 2021. On Christmas Eve, we will be experiencing a very strong Saturn-Uranus energy as Saturn squares Uranus exact at 2:16 am eastern time. This is a waning square so this is about what we need to let go of.
The Saturn-Uranus vibration can be a difficult energy to deal with. By Vibrational Astrology definition, it does not fit into the lifestyle or cultural confines set up by others. Saturn-Uranus must be, above all else, free to do its own thing, in its own way. If left to do so, the effects of Saturn-Uranus will simply be seen as being independent, free-thinking, and unique. If imposed upon, dictated to, or otherwise restricted, Saturn-Uranus becomes very rebellious.
This waning square tells us that we need to let people live their lives in peace and give up trying to squelch people’s freedom and individuality.
As Saturn-Uranus is inclined to NOT do what other people want, it’s best to be mindful that as people will be tuning into this vibration, they will be expressing their independence and their own way of doing things. The best way to deal with this energy is to be open to their uniqueness and be accepting and loving of the specialness that that individual brings. Hey, isn’t that the message of Christmas?
Use the holiday aura to practice charity as you may need it. This energy pattern will last until it cycles back into aspect again when Saturn conjuncts Uranus on June 28, 2032. Buckle up; it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
In light of the restrictions currently placed upon the world, we may see tensions give rise to violence. European countries are tightening up in response to the Omicron coronavirus variant. The Netherlands, for example, announced that it will be imposing a strict lockdown over the Christmas holiday and we are already seeing protestors clashing with police.
At what point would you say, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not taking it anymore”? Maybe you’ve reached it and want a more constructive avenue to feel empowered and to express your own Saturn-Uranus energy. That’s why I’ve created the Discover Your Power Academy. For your FREE Purpose Awakening Consultation, please contact me at www.AlignYourLifeandVibe.com.
Transformational Consultant, Linda DeVito, B.Msc., P.A.C., is a Certified Vibrational Astrologer and Certified Success Principles Trainer. Her mission is to empower people to find and live their Life Purpose.
Life is Wonderful
Just the other day, I was pleasantly surprised to come across the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” on TV. Maybe like me, you’ve watched this movie many times and its timeless message seemed even more appropriate for what’s happening around us today.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re familiar with endearing and enduring message of this movie: that life is rich when you have the abundance of love from family, friends, and neighbors. Love that our character George cultivated throughout his life through the self-sacrificing acts of kindness and generosity.
And Clarence’s message: that every person’s life touches so many others and that we just don’t know how important our lives are.
We also don’t realize the good we can do as individuals by standing up against those that would treat people as mere a commodities to be enriched through. When George is compelled to stand up to Potter’s inhumanity and greed, it reminds me of what we’re experiencing today. George implored his fellow townsfolks to not be in fear and panic over what they feel is a crisis and stand strong together. Right now, we’re going through a prolonged period of intense fear and are being stripped of our freedom and civil liberties in the name of public health. And I say to my fellow men and women – Wake up! Now more than ever, each of us in our own way needs to stand up to the Potters of the world; we need to refuse the tyranny that would enslave us and have faith in each other and in ourselves to create our lives filled with peace and harmony, freedom and liberty, abundance and comfort.
To help with this endeavor, I’ve created the Discover Your Power Academy. For your FREE Purpose Awakening Consultation, contact me through www.AlignYourLifeandVibe.com.